Please check our parish bulletin for a list of food items that our SVDP Society will be collecting the weekend of November 9th & 10th. They will meet you in the parking lot to take the items. Kroger gift cards are also welcome as are cash donations.
Interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith, to discern if this path is for you? Join a group of likeminded people on Monday evenings at St. James Parish, 6 p.m. For more information, call Deacon Tim Crooker at St. James Parish, or Barbara Yoder, at St. Bernard Parish, ext. 5
St. Bernard will offer Mass on Saturdays at 4 p.m. and on Sundays at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. beginning on August 3rd & 4th. We invite you to join us for worship!
TIME IS RUNNING OUT! Don't forget to sign up your kids in grades 1-8 (public/homeschool) for Summer PSR. Dates are June 10-21. Students will have the opportunity to learn about their faith and do pre-prep for sacraments which will take place during the school year. Students are required to attend summer program before going on to join the Sacrament Prep classes for First Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation. Contact Barb Yoder for more information, 513-353-4207 x 5 or [email protected].